Monday 16 July 2012

Summer Barcamp Hong Kong @Cocoon

There was no time to chill despite the weekend! This Saturday, 14th of July, was a special and interesting day. Thibaut and I attended the Summer Barcamp in Cocoon.

What is Barcamp? BarCamp was born in Palo Alto, California in 2005. In just three years, it became an international network of user-generated conferences–open, participatory workshop-events, whose content is provided by the attendees–often focusing on early-stage web applications and related open source technologies, social protocols, and open data formats.

According to Barcamp's website, "It is the Biggest Unconference in Hong Kong"

Our "mission" is none other than to search for some web designers, as well as promoting ODM!

Indeed, Barcamp is a unique conference from 11am to 6pm. The conference was held using various topics animated by volunteers, each lasted approximately 30 minutes. I personally like the topic “When it becomes hard to manage” and paid full attention to it. 

Conference at Barcamp Hong Kong

Next to the conferences, people were discussing about various topics whereas Thibaut and I were eagerly looking for designers. We tried all possible ways to succeed.

Our advertisement is located at the upper right corner

At the end of the day, all participants are supposed to have a drink together. However, Thibaut and I did not stay for it. Instead, we cabbed down to LKF to celebrate our National Day with other French buddies :)

Thibaut and I in the Taxi: Let’s go to celebrate the French National Day 

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